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"Maybe there is nothing to figure out ahead of time....there is only a life to live well"

Too often, we spend so much time looking in the rear-view mirror when there is great big windscreen right in front of us. I know, because that was my focus too....and largely because I was so into the state of mind that what I was seeking was still "out there".  So I decided to change things up. I took my focus back to one that was aligned with my values and allowed my purpose to shine through. Serving others - whether it is a coaching session, an AromaTouch Technique, a Body Talk session, attending a yoga class or experiencing a retreat - Emotional Wellness is my thing!!

And in the process, the sense of love and knowing that I am doing what I was put on this Earth to do AND witnessing the process of demystifying the "how to"; to guide you to identify and align with those values; to ditch the FUD - Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt so that you too, can embrace living a calm and peaceful life.Now thats why I do what I do ....


It started at my local library, with a book throwing itself at my feet!
You Can Heal Your Life - Louise Hay

That event led me on the path of self discovery - one where I could explore who I was, the authentic ME! And it became a spiritual quest as I embodied what I learnt - to gain clarity, & overcome overwhelm as I juggled being a wife, a mum, an income earner and a champion supporter for my kids endeavours.

The more I committed to ditching the programming that I had accumulated over the course of my life to that point, the more I experienced really noticeable changes to what life served up. Yes, life still happened and still does, but now I get to make the choices on how I respond, not simply react. That brings with it, the peace of mind, clarity in the choices that are for my highest good, and the ability to Be. 

Now, I coach exactly how to attain those same results - and on living an unlimited life, one of possibilities and minus the constricted beliefs that have held one back. To live a truly abundant, sovereign life that is filled to the brim with joy and peace.

Did you know...?

I live a toxin free life
& have done for 35+ years, for my family, animals & home

I have studied more in my "middle-age" than I did in my earlier years

I love to serve others, to help simplify living, and stop the confusing search for peace and calm

I am here to serve and support people in transformation by holding space for the depth of experience, creating a safe space, and holding the highest vision of my clients. 

1. book now

2. let's plan

3. get results

That's how easy it is to achieve this amazing result!


Kind Words from Clients

I just have to say that I am so very grateful to have Wendy in my life. If you are stuck in a rut, constantly feeling like you are on a rollercoaster, have lost yourself somewhere in a world called “Life” then reach out to Wendy. Wendy will be your guide, your educator, your mentor but most importantly she will be your friend. Allow Wendy to bring out the best in you, to help you find the true you and to live the life you deserve

- Roz, Brisbane